I was looking for something cute to put on the chair legs of dining set. These fit the bill perfectly.
Chair paws are great. Really easy to put on and reduce much extraneous noise.
My first online purchase. Best purchase and experience ever.
These are super cute kitty feet for my chairs and will help avoid scratches on my floor. Unfortunately I put them away somewhere before putting them on the chairs & I don’t know where that somewhere is. Oops. But they are nice knit and really cute & they’ll work great! The other type that is rubber with a felt pad on the bottom are all twisted with the pad falling off or crooked. These knit ones will stay on well. I’ve had similar knit in the past & they work better than the felt. Also, pretty good price for the amount of covers. :)
It’s a hit when company comes over. They add character to my chairs.
Perfect little paws.
These are adorable. I am guessing that they won't stay on super well, as they are pretty stretchy and the toe beans make the fit a bit awkward. But, they are really cute!! And I bought felt stick one previously and they didn't stay on either. Plus they were ugly.